P R I V A C Y   P O L I C Y

privacy policy



In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27. April 2016. on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (Official Journal of the European Union L 119 , 4.5.2016, hereinafter: the „General Regulation“ – the so-called GDPR), which has been in full application since 25. May 2018 in all EU Member States, as well as the Law on the Implementation of the General Regulation on Protection data („Narodne novine“ no. 42/18), that is, in accordance with the entire legal framework for the protection of personal data in the European Union and European best practice,

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, with its registered office in Zagreb, Ulica kneza Branimira 47, 10000 Zagreb, registered in The Register of Associations, under register number: 21014807,

as the head of personal data processing of users of its services and other natural persons in accordance with special legal relations and business processes, has developed a Personal Data Protection Policy as a unilaterally binding legal act based on basic principles of personal data processing, which regulates which personal data is collected , how such data are processed, on what legal basis, for what purposes they are used and other issues related to the processing of personal data (hereinafter: „Policy“). The aim of this Policy is to acquaint individuals with their rights in the collection and further processing of personal data, all for the purpose of protecting their privacy.


The operations of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, in terms of collection and further processing of personal data on natural persons, are fully harmonized with the provisions of the General Regulation and, accordingly, everyone is guaranteed the protection of their privacy. A person who considers that the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes her personal data in an illegal manner, in addition to the rights he has directly towards the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, has the right to file a complaint to the competent supervisory body.

The personal data protection policy is based on the following principles of personal data processing, which WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to adhere to in its operations:

• Principle of legality, fairness and transparency of processing – any processing of personal data should be in accordance with a certain legal basis, and individuals are provided with information about the processing procedure and its purposes, and the controller is obliged to provide the respondent with all additional information necessary to ensure fair and transparent processing taking into account the specific circumstances and context of the processing of personal data;

• Purpose limitation principle – personal data should be collected for specific, explicit and lawful purposes and should not be further processed in a way that is not in accordance with those purposes; but further processing is possible for archiving purposes in the public interest, for the purposes of scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes;

• Principle of data reduction – personal data must be appropriate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;

• Principle of accuracy – personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, up-to-date; every reasonable measure must be taken to ensure that personal data which are inaccurate, taking into account the purposes for which they are processed, are deleted or rectified without delay;

• Principle of storage restrictions – personal data must be kept in a form that allows the identification of respondents only for as long as necessary for the purposes for which personal data are processed; longer retention periods are only possible if personal data will be processed exclusively for archiving purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes with the implementation of appropriate protection measures prescribed by the General Regulation;

• Principle of integrity and confidentiality – personal data must be processed in a way that ensures an adequate level of security, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage;

• Principle of reliability – WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, as the processing manager, is responsible for respecting the above principles, which must be able to prove.

This Policy applies to the entire business of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, where the aim of the Policy is to clearly and transparently inform all persons whose personal data are concerned about the processing of their personal data, their rights and the purposes for which their data are processed, as well as the legal basis for the processing of personal data.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is fully committed to ensuring the continuous and effective establishment of this Policy, and expects the same from its employees and business partners. Any violation of the provisions of this Policy may result in appropriate disciplinary action or business sanctions.

According to the definition in Article 4, Item 7. General Regulations, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is the head of personal data processing who determines the purpose and means of personal data processing in accordance with national legislation and / or EU law.

The provisions of this Policy shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS acts as a processor on behalf of another processing manager.

Meaning of certain definitions used in this Policy:

• „Personal data“ means all data relating to an individual whose identity has been or can be established (“respondent”); an identifiable individual is a person who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by means of identifiers such as name, identification number, location data, network identifier or by one or more factors specific to physical, physiological, genetic, mental , the economic, cultural or social identity of that individual. Accordingly, personal data are, for example, name and surname, OIB, address of residence, e-mail address, data contained in the court or other file of the respondents as parties, photographs, etc .;

• „Respondent“ is an individual whose identity can be established directly or indirectly, in particular by means of identifiers such as: name, identification number, location data, network identifier or by means of one or more factors specific to physical, physiological, genetic, mental, the economic, cultural or social identity of that individual;

• „Processing“ means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, by automated or non-automated means such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, retrieval, inspection, use, detection by transfer, dissemination or otherwise making available, harmonization or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction;

• „Violation of personal data“ means a breach of security that results in the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed;

• „Recipient“is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body to which personal data are disclosed, regardless of whether he is a third party;

• „Consent of the respondent“ is any voluntary, special, informed and unambiguous expression of the respondent’s wishes by which he / she gives consent to the processing of personal data related to him / her by a statement or clear confirmatory action;

• „Third party“ is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body other than the respondent, personal data controller or personal data processor and persons directly authorized by the processor to process personal data;

• „Processor“ is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the controller.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes personal data only to the extent that one of the following conditions is met:

• the respondent has consented to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes;

• processing is necessary for the performance of the contract to which the respondent is a party or in order to take action at the request of the respondent prior to the conclusion of the contract;

• processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of the controller;

• processing is necessary to protect the key interests of the respondent or other natural person;

• processing is necessary for the performance of a task of public interest or in the performance of the official authority of the controller;

• processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party, except where those interests are stronger than the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the respondent requiring the protection of personal data, especially if the respondent is a child.

When determining a legitimate interest in the processing of personal data (e.g. establishment of a video surveillance system) WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to make an adequate assessment of the existence of a legitimate interest as a legal basis, on the principle of “interest weighing” to determine the assumptions appropriate documentation.

If the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the consent of the respondent, such consent must be given voluntarily, in writing with easy-to-understand, clear and simple language and a clearly stated purpose for which it is given. Consent is determined by the purpose of the processing of personal data and contains a note on the manner of withdrawal, which must be as simple as giving it. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing done before its withdrawal.

When receiving e-mails with personal data by which it is possible to identify the person of the respondent, regardless of whether it is questions, comments, or a special form that You send us by e-mail, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS will process this data solely to address the above requests , unless the purpose of the processing of personal data requires otherwise.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS collects and processes the following categories of personal data:

a) personal data on the employees of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS: name and surname, address of residence, personal number of citizens, date of birth, citizenship, data on education and other personal data for which processing is prescribed by law or arises from employment (salary data, place of work, working hours, records of annual leave, etc.).

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING: execution of rights and obligations arising for the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS from employment with its employees (lawyers, trainee lawyers and other employees), and the provision of this information is a legal and contractual obligation of the respondent and is a condition for establishing and further employment;

b) personal data on persons participating in the tender or other procedure (open applications) in connection with the establishment of employment with the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS: name and surname, address of residence, personal number of citizens, date of birth and other data submitted by the said person in connection with a tendering procedure or other procedure.

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING: employment of new persons for a job in the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, and the provision of this information is a condition for the eventual employment of respondents;

c) personal data on parties, counterparties, their representatives, witnesses, experts and other persons who in any way participate in court and other proceedings in which WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS exercises its legal rights and obligations: name and surname, address of residence / domicile , personal number of citizens, kinship with other persons and other personal data contained in court and other documents.

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING: execution of attorneys ‘rights and duties, and the provision of these data is a contractual obligation of the respondent necessary for the proper execution of attorneys’ rights and duties;

d) personal data on persons with whom WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS maintains other business cooperation within the performance of its activities: name and surname, date of birth, personal number of citizens, address of residence, account number and other data related to the performance of mutual contractual obligations for legal obligations arising therefrom.

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING: acquisition of goods and services in legal transactions and execution of rights and obligations arising from such legal relations, and the provision of this information is a legal and contractual obligation of the respondent and a condition necessary for the conclusion of the contract;

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes personal data that it disposes of exclusively for the above-mentioned purposes, and will not use or process them in other (incompatible) purposes.

Exceptionally, if the processing of personal data for a purpose other than the purpose for which the data was collected is not based on the consent of the respondent, EU law, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, in order to determine whether processing for another purpose is in accordance with the purpose for which the personal data were originally collected, takes into account, inter alia:

• any link between the purpose of collecting personal data and the purpose of the intended continuation of processing;

• the context in which personal data were collected, in particular as regards the relationship between the respondent and the controller;

• the nature of personal data;

• possible consequences of the intended continuation of processing for the respondents;

• the existence of appropriate safeguards, which may include encryption or pseudonymization.

If the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS intends to further process personal data for a purpose other than that for which the personal data were collected, it shall provide the respondent with information on that other purpose and all other relevant information prescribed by the General Regulation.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS also conducts audio-video surveillance of our premises, based on the justified and necessary needs of the legitimate interests of the controller of personal data processing, all in order to ensure the safety of persons and property.


In terms of the provisions of the General Regulation, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes the above personal data in accordance with the following legal bases, which in this case of personal data processing exist individually or cumulatively:

• personal data listed under 4.a) – processing is necessary for the execution of the contract in which the respondent is a party / processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of the controller (regulations on employment, health and pension insurance, tax regulations, legal regulations, etc.);

• personal data listed under 4.b) – processing is necessary in order to take action at the request of the respondent before concluding the contract;

• personal data listed under 4.c) – processing is necessary for the execution of the contract to which the respondent is a party or to take action at the request of the respondent before concluding the contract / processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of the controller (legal regulations) / processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party / processing is necessary to protect the key interests of the respondent or other natural person;

• personal data listed under 4.d) – processing is necessary for the execution of the contract in which the respondent is a party / processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of the controller (accounting regulations, etc.) / processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the controller or third party sides;

In other cases, the respondent has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes.

In the case of sending offers for legal services, opinions, etc., based on inquiries or existing business cooperation with clients, no consent is required but this is considered our legitimate interest in accordance with Item 47. of the preamble to the Regulation on Personal Data Protection.

In addition to the above legal bases, the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may process personal data in cases determined by law or by a decision of the competent public body. WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes the stated personal data exclusively in a manner that is in accordance with the purpose of their collection and will not process them for other purposes.


In the context of performing its daily business processes, and in carrying out its legal activities, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, as the head of personal data processing, processes the aforementioned personal data through its employees and persons authorized to represent.

Within their workplace, and in the context of performing their daily work duties, the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes personal data:

a) persons authorized to represent the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS;
b) lawyers;
c) trainee lawyers;
d) the Administrative Secretary;
e) other workers with appropriate authorizations.

On behalf of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS as the processing manager, in some cases the personal data are processed by the processing executor (e.g. accounting or IT service). WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to enter into an appropriate written agreement with such data processors, which obliges the processor, inter alia, to apply all data protection standards prescribed by the General Regulation with regard to the protection of personal data in question. Also, the processing executor is not authorized to hire another processing executor (processing subcontractor) without the prior special or general written approval of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS.


If this is required by the purpose of personal data processing or there is such a legal obligation, in certain cases WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS discloses (forwards) personal data to other natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or other bodies. In all other cases, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS does not disclose to third parties the personal data at its disposal.

For the sake of complete transparency, the following is an overview of the categories of recipients of certain personal data available to the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS:

1. The personal data listed under 4.a) shall be disclosed:

• external accounting service and IT specialists with whom the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS has concluded an appropriate written agreement in terms of the provisions of the General Regulation;

• Tax Administration;

• A commercial bank with which the employee has an account;

• Other public authorities when there is such a legal obligation;

• Other entities in accordance with the General Regulation.

2. The personal data listed under 4.b) shall not be disclosed to other recipients unless the candidate for the position explicitly requests it, and there is such an interest of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS.

3. The personal data listed under 4.c) shall be disclosed:

• courts;

• public bodies;

• substitute proxies, if any;

• other legal and natural persons in accordance with the purpose of practicing law.

4. The personal data listed under 4.d) shall not be disclosed directly to other recipients.

In fulfilling its obligations under the “Right to Access Personal Data and Additional Information” (here under 8.B.), WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, among other things, provides specific information about the recipients of personal data of individual respondents.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS ensures the exercise of the following rights to persons whose personal data it has at its disposal (regulated by Articles 12.-22. of the General Regulation):

A. Transparency;
B. Access to personal data and additional information;
C. The right to rectify data;
D. Right to Erase (“Right to Forget”);
E. The right to restrict data processing;
F. The right to data portability;
G. Right to object;

In addition to the stated rights that the respondent exercises according to the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, the respondent has the right to object to the competent authority. In the Republic of Croatia, the competent authority is the Agency for Personal Data Protection.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to provide the Respondent with information when collecting personal data and, among other things, to inform him about his identity and contact information, purposes of processing and legal basis for data processing, recipients, possible export to third countries, storage period, withdrawal options consent and other information in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation.

One of the ways to act in accordance with the previous obligation is to acquaint the respondents with the provisions of this Policy, which achieves the effects prescribed by Article 13. of the General Regulation (Information to be provided if personal data are collected from respondents). This can be done, for example, by sending a web link with the text of this Policy, attaching an attachment to the service contract, delivery or delivery to the party upon entering into a legal relationship, displaying at the law office, highlighting such notice in the signature of the email and similar.

If the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS in a particular case does not collect personal data directly from the respondent, it is still obliged to provide him with the above information, unless otherwise provided by Article 14. of the General Regulation.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to provide the respondent, at his request, with information on whether personal data relating to him are processed and, if such personal data are processed, to provide access to personal data, as well as information, inter alia, on processed personal data , the storage period or the criteria used to determine that period, any removal to third countries and other information in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation.

In that case, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS provides a copy of personal data that are processed, and relate to the subject. For all additional copies requested by the respondent, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs. If the respondent submits the request electronically, as in other cases unless the respondent requests otherwise, the information shall be provided in the usual electronic form.

The right to obtain a copy of the processed personal data must not have a negative impact on the rights and freedoms of others.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to enable the respondent, at his request, to correct inaccurate personal data relating to him and the respondent has the right to supplement incomplete personal data, inter alia by giving an additional statement.


The respondent has the right to obtain the deletion of personal data relating to him from the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS and the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS has the obligation to delete personal data without undue delay if at least one of the following conditions is met:

• personal data are no longer necessary for the purpose of processing;

• the respondent has withdrawn consent to the processing, if there is no other legal basis for the processing of the personal data in question;

• the respondent objects to the processing in accordance with Article 21. Paragraph 1. of the General Regulation, and there are no stronger legitimate reasons for the processing of the personal data in question;

• personal data has been illegally processed;

• personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation arising from European Union law.


The respondent has the right to obtain a restriction from the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS on the processing of personal data relating to him if one of the following is met:

• the respondent disputes the accuracy of personal data for the period by which the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is enabled to verify the accuracy of personal data;

• the processing is illegal and the respondent opposes the deletion of personal data and instead requests a restriction on their use;

• WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS no longer needs personal data for the purposes of processing, but the respondent requests them in order to set, realize or defend legal claims;

• the respondent objected to the processing of personal data pursuant to Article 21. Paragraph 1. of the General Regulation, awaiting confirmation as to whether the legitimate reasons of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS exceed the reasons on the part of the respondent.

If the processing described in this way is limited, the personal data in question may be processed only with the consent of the respondent, with the exception of the storage of such personal data, or for setting, exercising or defending legal claims or protecting the rights of another natural or legal person.

The respondent who obtained the restriction on the processing of his personal data is reported by the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS before the restriction on the processing is lifted.


The respondent has the right to receive his personal data collected from him by the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, in a structured form and in a commonly used and machine-readable format and has the right to transfer this data to another controller without interference by the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, provided that processing is carried out automatically and is based on a given consent or contractual obligation.


The respondent has the right to object to any processing of personal data based on the existence of a legitimate interest of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS (including the creation of a profile).

In the event of an objection, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may no longer process the personal data of the respondent, unless it proves that the legitimate reasons of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS for the processing of personal data exceed the interests of the respondent, or processing is important for setting, realizing or defending legal claims.

The respondent has the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including the creation of a profile, which produces legal effects relating to him or similarly significantly affecting him, unless such a decision is necessary for the conclusion or execution contract between the respondent and the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, if permitted by law prescribing appropriate measures to protect the rights and freedoms and legitimate interests of the respondent or based on the express consent of the respondent.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to draw attention to the right to object at the latest at the moment of the first communication with the respondent and must do so in a clear manner and separately from any other information. This applies if the legal basis for the specific processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS.


The respondent submits requests for exercising the right orally or in writing, including electronic communication. If an individual submits a request relating to any of the above rights of the respondent, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS will consider any such request in accordance with the applicable standards on personal data protection.

If the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS has reasonable doubts regarding the identity of the individual applying for the exercise of rights, he may in that case request the provision of additional information necessary to confirm the identity of the respondent.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS provides the respondent with information on the actions taken at his request without undue delay and in any case within one month of receiving the request. This period may be extended by an additional two months, as appropriate, taking into account the complexity and number of applications. WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS notifies the respondent of any such extension within one month of receiving the request, together with the reasons for the postponement. If the respondent submits the request electronically, the information shall be provided electronically if possible, unless the respondent requests otherwise.

If the respondents’ requests are obviously unfounded or excessive, especially due to their frequent repetition, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may:

• charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs of providing information or notification or acting on the request; or

• refuse to act on a request.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes personal data in the territory of the European Union and United Kingdom.

Personal data contained in material form (written documentation) are stored and otherwise processed in the business premises of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS in Zagreb, unless the purpose of processing or legal obligation requires otherwise.

Personal data in the form of electronic records are stored and otherwise processed within the IT infrastructure available to the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, unless the purpose of processing or legal obligation requires otherwise.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS stores personal data at its disposal for a period that depends on the purpose of processing certain personal data or the legal obligation to which the processing is subject. In accordance with the above, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS without delay deletes all personal data for the processing of which the purpose has been fulfilled (ceased).

Regarding the legal obligations of personal data storage, in that sense WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to act in accordance with the regulations governing, for example, the provision of legal services, accounting, tax liabilities, recording certain facts related to employment, as well as all other legal relations in which within its business enters the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS

In fulfilling its obligations under the “Right to Access Personal Data and Additional Information” (here under 8.B.) WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, among other things, provides the respondent with information about the intended period in which personal data will be stored or, if this is not possible the criteria used to determine that period.


In the event that the purpose of personal data processing or a legal obligation so requires, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may transfer personal data to a third country only in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation, always informing the respondent of the intention of such transfer. Personal data may only be transferred to those third countries for which an adequacy decision has been issued (transfers based on an adequacy decision). The European Commission shall draw up and publish a list of third countries which provide an adequate level of protection of personal data and to which personal data may be transferred without further restrictions.

If it is necessary to transfer personal data to a third country that is not on the list of the European Commission, then the transfer is possible only in the manner prescribed by the General Regulation.

In fulfilling its obligations under the “Right of Access to Personal Data and Additional Information” (here under 8.B.) WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, among other things, provides specific information on the possible transfer of personal data to third countries, as well as appropriate safeguards that are taken.


With the aim of properly implementing the provisions of this Policy as well as other internal acts in the field of personal data protection, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS undertakes to raise awareness of its employees about the rights and obligations arising from the provisions of the General Regulation.

The persons in charge of the processing of personal data are responsible for the protection of personal data against accidental loss or destruction, against unauthorized access or illegal processing, unauthorized disclosure and any other misuse, and sign an appropriate statement of confidentiality.

Only persons who are specially authorized by the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS have the right to access personal data, or the execution of personal data processing activities arises from the workplace where they are employed. Unauthorized access to personal data and attempts to upload or modify data are strictly prohibited.

By a special decision WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may appoint a data protection officer on the basis of professional qualifications, and in particular professional knowledge of law and practices in the field of data protection and the ability to perform tasks prescribed by the General Regulation.


Taking into account the latest achievements, the cost of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing, as well as risks of different levels of probability and seriousness for the rights and freedoms of individuals arising from data processing, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, both at the time processing, implements appropriate technical measures, such as pseudonymisation, to enable the effective application of data protection principles, such as data reduction, and the inclusion of safeguards in processing to meet the requirements of the General Regulation and protect the rights of respondents.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS must assess the appropriate level of security and take into account in particular the risks posed by data processing, and in particular the risks of accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of personal data or unauthorized access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

In relation to personal data stored under the supervision of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, technical protection measures are implemented, which include:

• locking of work rooms;

• storage of material documentation in binders;

• locking cabinets containing binders;

• availability of unlocking means exclusively for authorized persons;

• antivirus protection;

• passwords to access computers and other devices;

• other technical measures that are appropriate to the current risks to the rights and freedoms of the respondents.


If there is a likelihood that some type of processing, especially through new technologies and taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing, will cause a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to assess the impact of processing procedures on the protection of personal data. One assessment may relate to a number of similar processing operations that present similar high risks. When conducting a data protection impact assessment, the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS seeks advice from the Data Protection Officer, if appointed. The impact assessment should include a description of the processing operation and its purpose, an assessment of necessity and proportionality, a risk assessment and a description of measures to reduce the risk of processing.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS keeps, and on the basis of the request of the supervisory body submits to him, records on processing activities which contain the following essential elements of processing of personal data in relation to which there is such an obligation in accordance with the General Regulation:

• name and contact details of the controller and data protection officer;

• purpose of processing;

• description of the category of respondents and the category of personal data;

• legal basis for processing;

• data recipients;

• data transfers to third countries, if applicable;

• estimated retention periods;

• a general description of the technical and organizational security measures being implemented.


For all questions related to the processing of personal data and the exercise of the rights of respondents, feel free to contact us in accordance with the following contact information to our personal data protection officer:

DINO RADANOVIĆ, advocate from the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, Address: Ulica kneza Branimira 47, 10000 Zagreb, Republic Of Croatia;
Mobile phone: +44 20 3398 7920
E-mail: info@worldassociationofintellectualowners.com ;

This Policy is also available in the office of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS. We can also deliver the Policy to You at Your request.


The personal data protection policy enters into force on the day of its adoption.

In Zagreb, Republic Of Croatia, on day 26. of July 2023. year.



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promotion and publicity:

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monetization of own intellectual rights through placement and licensing:

Many of You create works that You don’t even know are intellectual creations (for example, author’s works) and that can be monetized through various channels, platforms, etc. On the other hand, someone may already be using Your works without authorization and for free. Become aware of Yourself, Your quality and Your creations. Give importance to the works You create and start earning from them.

obtaining the necessary licenses and rights of use others intellectual creations:

If You use other people’s intellectual creations in Your work and activity, as a rule, you must have an appropriate license. It often happens that people are not even aware of someone’s intellectual property right, and that they need a license and approval from the creator. Stay up to date and get everything You need. Be sure.


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the opportunity to be seen by some of our honorary members, and other individuals and interest groups with whom the association cooperates:

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participation in organized events:

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education in the field of intellectual property, promotion and brand building (webinars, ebooks, meetings, conferences, consultations...):

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GLOBAL REACH in all of the above:

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In agreements on use (license) protected by copyright/related works and industrial property rights, an arbitration clause is entered in accordance with the UNITED NATIONS – WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION Arbitration Rules – WIPO Arbitration Rules, at the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center in Geneva, Switzerland, for ON-LINE efficient and economical quick resolution of disputes in a few months. The above includes all possible disputes from contracts on intellectual property rights, including contractual damages, as well as potential disputes against the Association. See Terms of Use.

For possible non-contractual disputes, including non-contractual damages committed by third parties, the World Association Of Intellectual Owners tries to find appropriate legal assistance in the individual countries where the damage was done, (considering that jurisdiction is usually determined individually for each place where the violation occurred / damage caused).

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In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27. April 2016. on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (Official Journal of the European Union L 119 , 4.5.2016, hereinafter: the „General Regulation“ – the so-called GDPR), which has been in full application since 25. May 2018 in all EU Member States, as well as the Law on the Implementation of the General Regulation on Protection data („Narodne novine“ no. 42/18), that is, in accordance with the entire legal framework for the protection of personal data in the European Union and European best practice,

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, with its registered office in Zagreb, Ulica kneza Branimira 47, 10000 Zagreb, registered in The Register of Associations, under register number: 21014807,

as the head of personal data processing of users of its services and other natural persons in accordance with special legal relations and business processes, has developed a Personal Data Protection Policy as a unilaterally binding legal act based on basic principles of personal data processing, which regulates which personal data is collected , how such data are processed, on what legal basis, for what purposes they are used and other issues related to the processing of personal data (hereinafter: „Policy“). The aim of this Policy is to acquaint individuals with their rights in the collection and further processing of personal data, all for the purpose of protecting their privacy.


The operations of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, in terms of collection and further processing of personal data on natural persons, are fully harmonized with the provisions of the General Regulation and, accordingly, everyone is guaranteed the protection of their privacy. A person who considers that the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes her personal data in an illegal manner, in addition to the rights he has directly towards the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, has the right to file a complaint to the competent supervisory body.

The personal data protection policy is based on the following principles of personal data processing, which WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to adhere to in its operations:

• Principle of legality, fairness and transparency of processing – any processing of personal data should be in accordance with a certain legal basis, and individuals are provided with information about the processing procedure and its purposes, and the controller is obliged to provide the respondent with all additional information necessary to ensure fair and transparent processing taking into account the specific circumstances and context of the processing of personal data;

• Purpose limitation principle – personal data should be collected for specific, explicit and lawful purposes and should not be further processed in a way that is not in accordance with those purposes; but further processing is possible for archiving purposes in the public interest, for the purposes of scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes;

• Principle of data reduction – personal data must be appropriate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;

• Principle of accuracy – personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, up-to-date; every reasonable measure must be taken to ensure that personal data which are inaccurate, taking into account the purposes for which they are processed, are deleted or rectified without delay;

• Principle of storage restrictions – personal data must be kept in a form that allows the identification of respondents only for as long as necessary for the purposes for which personal data are processed; longer retention periods are only possible if personal data will be processed exclusively for archiving purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes with the implementation of appropriate protection measures prescribed by the General Regulation;

• Principle of integrity and confidentiality – personal data must be processed in a way that ensures an adequate level of security, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage;

• Principle of reliability – WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, as the processing manager, is responsible for respecting the above principles, which must be able to prove.

This Policy applies to the entire business of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, where the aim of the Policy is to clearly and transparently inform all persons whose personal data are concerned about the processing of their personal data, their rights and the purposes for which their data are processed, as well as the legal basis for the processing of personal data.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is fully committed to ensuring the continuous and effective establishment of this Policy, and expects the same from its employees and business partners. Any violation of the provisions of this Policy may result in appropriate disciplinary action or business sanctions.

According to the definition in Article 4, Item 7. General Regulations, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is the head of personal data processing who determines the purpose and means of personal data processing in accordance with national legislation and / or EU law.

The provisions of this Policy shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS acts as a processor on behalf of another processing manager.

Meaning of certain definitions used in this Policy:

• „Personal data“ means all data relating to an individual whose identity has been or can be established (“respondent”); an identifiable individual is a person who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by means of identifiers such as name, identification number, location data, network identifier or by one or more factors specific to physical, physiological, genetic, mental , the economic, cultural or social identity of that individual. Accordingly, personal data are, for example, name and surname, OIB, address of residence, e-mail address, data contained in the court or other file of the respondents as parties, photographs, etc .;

• „Respondent“ is an individual whose identity can be established directly or indirectly, in particular by means of identifiers such as: name, identification number, location data, network identifier or by means of one or more factors specific to physical, physiological, genetic, mental, the economic, cultural or social identity of that individual;

• „Processing“ means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, by automated or non-automated means such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, retrieval, inspection, use, detection by transfer, dissemination or otherwise making available, harmonization or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction;

• „Violation of personal data“ means a breach of security that results in the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed;

• „Recipient“is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body to which personal data are disclosed, regardless of whether he is a third party;

• „Consent of the respondent“ is any voluntary, special, informed and unambiguous expression of the respondent’s wishes by which he / she gives consent to the processing of personal data related to him / her by a statement or clear confirmatory action;

• „Third party“ is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body other than the respondent, personal data controller or personal data processor and persons directly authorized by the processor to process personal data;

• „Processor“ is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the controller.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes personal data only to the extent that one of the following conditions is met:

• the respondent has consented to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes;

• processing is necessary for the performance of the contract to which the respondent is a party or in order to take action at the request of the respondent prior to the conclusion of the contract;

• processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of the controller;

• processing is necessary to protect the key interests of the respondent or other natural person;

• processing is necessary for the performance of a task of public interest or in the performance of the official authority of the controller;

• processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party, except where those interests are stronger than the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the respondent requiring the protection of personal data, especially if the respondent is a child.

When determining a legitimate interest in the processing of personal data (e.g. establishment of a video surveillance system) WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to make an adequate assessment of the existence of a legitimate interest as a legal basis, on the principle of “interest weighing” to determine the assumptions appropriate documentation.

If the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the consent of the respondent, such consent must be given voluntarily, in writing with easy-to-understand, clear and simple language and a clearly stated purpose for which it is given. Consent is determined by the purpose of the processing of personal data and contains a note on the manner of withdrawal, which must be as simple as giving it. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing done before its withdrawal.

When receiving e-mails with personal data by which it is possible to identify the person of the respondent, regardless of whether it is questions, comments, or a special form that You send us by e-mail, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS will process this data solely to address the above requests , unless the purpose of the processing of personal data requires otherwise.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS collects and processes the following categories of personal data:

a) personal data on the employees of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS: name and surname, address of residence, personal number of citizens, date of birth, citizenship, data on education and other personal data for which processing is prescribed by law or arises from employment (salary data, place of work, working hours, records of annual leave, etc.).

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING: execution of rights and obligations arising for the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS from employment with its employees (lawyers, trainee lawyers and other employees), and the provision of this information is a legal and contractual obligation of the respondent and is a condition for establishing and further employment;

b) personal data on persons participating in the tender or other procedure (open applications) in connection with the establishment of employment with the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS: name and surname, address of residence, personal number of citizens, date of birth and other data submitted by the said person in connection with a tendering procedure or other procedure.

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING: employment of new persons for a job in the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, and the provision of this information is a condition for the eventual employment of respondents;

c) personal data on parties, counterparties, their representatives, witnesses, experts and other persons who in any way participate in court and other proceedings in which WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS exercises its legal rights and obligations: name and surname, address of residence / domicile , personal number of citizens, kinship with other persons and other personal data contained in court and other documents.

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING: execution of attorneys ‘rights and duties, and the provision of these data is a contractual obligation of the respondent necessary for the proper execution of attorneys’ rights and duties;

d) personal data on persons with whom WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS maintains other business cooperation within the performance of its activities: name and surname, date of birth, personal number of citizens, address of residence, account number and other data related to the performance of mutual contractual obligations for legal obligations arising therefrom.

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING: acquisition of goods and services in legal transactions and execution of rights and obligations arising from such legal relations, and the provision of this information is a legal and contractual obligation of the respondent and a condition necessary for the conclusion of the contract;

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes personal data that it disposes of exclusively for the above-mentioned purposes, and will not use or process them in other (incompatible) purposes.

Exceptionally, if the processing of personal data for a purpose other than the purpose for which the data was collected is not based on the consent of the respondent, EU law, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, in order to determine whether processing for another purpose is in accordance with the purpose for which the personal data were originally collected, takes into account, inter alia:

• any link between the purpose of collecting personal data and the purpose of the intended continuation of processing;

• the context in which personal data were collected, in particular as regards the relationship between the respondent and the controller;

• the nature of personal data;

• possible consequences of the intended continuation of processing for the respondents;

• the existence of appropriate safeguards, which may include encryption or pseudonymization.

If the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS intends to further process personal data for a purpose other than that for which the personal data were collected, it shall provide the respondent with information on that other purpose and all other relevant information prescribed by the General Regulation.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS also conducts audio-video surveillance of our premises, based on the justified and necessary needs of the legitimate interests of the controller of personal data processing, all in order to ensure the safety of persons and property.


In terms of the provisions of the General Regulation, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes the above personal data in accordance with the following legal bases, which in this case of personal data processing exist individually or cumulatively:

• personal data listed under 4.a) – processing is necessary for the execution of the contract in which the respondent is a party / processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of the controller (regulations on employment, health and pension insurance, tax regulations, legal regulations, etc.);

• personal data listed under 4.b) – processing is necessary in order to take action at the request of the respondent before concluding the contract;

• personal data listed under 4.c) – processing is necessary for the execution of the contract to which the respondent is a party or to take action at the request of the respondent before concluding the contract / processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of the controller (legal regulations) / processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party / processing is necessary to protect the key interests of the respondent or other natural person;

• personal data listed under 4.d) – processing is necessary for the execution of the contract in which the respondent is a party / processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of the controller (accounting regulations, etc.) / processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the controller or third party sides;

In other cases, the respondent has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes.

In the case of sending offers for legal services, opinions, etc., based on inquiries or existing business cooperation with clients, no consent is required but this is considered our legitimate interest in accordance with Item 47. of the preamble to the Regulation on Personal Data Protection.

In addition to the above legal bases, the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may process personal data in cases determined by law or by a decision of the competent public body. WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes the stated personal data exclusively in a manner that is in accordance with the purpose of their collection and will not process them for other purposes.


In the context of performing its daily business processes, and in carrying out its legal activities, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, as the head of personal data processing, processes the aforementioned personal data through its employees and persons authorized to represent.

Within their workplace, and in the context of performing their daily work duties, the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes personal data:

a) persons authorized to represent the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS;
b) lawyers;
c) trainee lawyers;
d) the Administrative Secretary;
e) other workers with appropriate authorizations.

On behalf of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS as the processing manager, in some cases the personal data are processed by the processing executor (e.g. accounting or IT service). WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to enter into an appropriate written agreement with such data processors, which obliges the processor, inter alia, to apply all data protection standards prescribed by the General Regulation with regard to the protection of personal data in question. Also, the processing executor is not authorized to hire another processing executor (processing subcontractor) without the prior special or general written approval of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS.


If this is required by the purpose of personal data processing or there is such a legal obligation, in certain cases WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS discloses (forwards) personal data to other natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or other bodies. In all other cases, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS does not disclose to third parties the personal data at its disposal.

For the sake of complete transparency, the following is an overview of the categories of recipients of certain personal data available to the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS:

1. The personal data listed under 4.a) shall be disclosed:

• external accounting service and IT specialists with whom the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS has concluded an appropriate written agreement in terms of the provisions of the General Regulation;

• Tax Administration;

• A commercial bank with which the employee has an account;

• Other public authorities when there is such a legal obligation;

• Other entities in accordance with the General Regulation.

2. The personal data listed under 4.b) shall not be disclosed to other recipients unless the candidate for the position explicitly requests it, and there is such an interest of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS.

3. The personal data listed under 4.c) shall be disclosed:

• courts;

• public bodies;

• substitute proxies, if any;

• other legal and natural persons in accordance with the purpose of practicing law.

4. The personal data listed under 4.d) shall not be disclosed directly to other recipients.

In fulfilling its obligations under the “Right to Access Personal Data and Additional Information” (here under 8.B.), WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, among other things, provides specific information about the recipients of personal data of individual respondents.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS ensures the exercise of the following rights to persons whose personal data it has at its disposal (regulated by Articles 12.-22. of the General Regulation):

A. Transparency;
B. Access to personal data and additional information;
C. The right to rectify data;
D. Right to Erase (“Right to Forget”);
E. The right to restrict data processing;
F. The right to data portability;
G. Right to object;

In addition to the stated rights that the respondent exercises according to the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, the respondent has the right to object to the competent authority. In the Republic of Croatia, the competent authority is the Agency for Personal Data Protection.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to provide the Respondent with information when collecting personal data and, among other things, to inform him about his identity and contact information, purposes of processing and legal basis for data processing, recipients, possible export to third countries, storage period, withdrawal options consent and other information in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation.

One of the ways to act in accordance with the previous obligation is to acquaint the respondents with the provisions of this Policy, which achieves the effects prescribed by Article 13. of the General Regulation (Information to be provided if personal data are collected from respondents). This can be done, for example, by sending a web link with the text of this Policy, attaching an attachment to the service contract, delivery or delivery to the party upon entering into a legal relationship, displaying at the law office, highlighting such notice in the signature of the email and similar.

If the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS in a particular case does not collect personal data directly from the respondent, it is still obliged to provide him with the above information, unless otherwise provided by Article 14. of the General Regulation.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to provide the respondent, at his request, with information on whether personal data relating to him are processed and, if such personal data are processed, to provide access to personal data, as well as information, inter alia, on processed personal data , the storage period or the criteria used to determine that period, any removal to third countries and other information in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation.

In that case, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS provides a copy of personal data that are processed, and relate to the subject. For all additional copies requested by the respondent, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs. If the respondent submits the request electronically, as in other cases unless the respondent requests otherwise, the information shall be provided in the usual electronic form.

The right to obtain a copy of the processed personal data must not have a negative impact on the rights and freedoms of others.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to enable the respondent, at his request, to correct inaccurate personal data relating to him and the respondent has the right to supplement incomplete personal data, inter alia by giving an additional statement.


The respondent has the right to obtain the deletion of personal data relating to him from the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS and the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS has the obligation to delete personal data without undue delay if at least one of the following conditions is met:

• personal data are no longer necessary for the purpose of processing;

• the respondent has withdrawn consent to the processing, if there is no other legal basis for the processing of the personal data in question;

• the respondent objects to the processing in accordance with Article 21. Paragraph 1. of the General Regulation, and there are no stronger legitimate reasons for the processing of the personal data in question;

• personal data has been illegally processed;

• personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation arising from European Union law.


The respondent has the right to obtain a restriction from the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS on the processing of personal data relating to him if one of the following is met:

• the respondent disputes the accuracy of personal data for the period by which the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is enabled to verify the accuracy of personal data;

• the processing is illegal and the respondent opposes the deletion of personal data and instead requests a restriction on their use;

• WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS no longer needs personal data for the purposes of processing, but the respondent requests them in order to set, realize or defend legal claims;

• the respondent objected to the processing of personal data pursuant to Article 21. Paragraph 1. of the General Regulation, awaiting confirmation as to whether the legitimate reasons of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS exceed the reasons on the part of the respondent.

If the processing described in this way is limited, the personal data in question may be processed only with the consent of the respondent, with the exception of the storage of such personal data, or for setting, exercising or defending legal claims or protecting the rights of another natural or legal person.

The respondent who obtained the restriction on the processing of his personal data is reported by the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS before the restriction on the processing is lifted.


The respondent has the right to receive his personal data collected from him by the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, in a structured form and in a commonly used and machine-readable format and has the right to transfer this data to another controller without interference by the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, provided that processing is carried out automatically and is based on a given consent or contractual obligation.


The respondent has the right to object to any processing of personal data based on the existence of a legitimate interest of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS (including the creation of a profile).

In the event of an objection, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may no longer process the personal data of the respondent, unless it proves that the legitimate reasons of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS for the processing of personal data exceed the interests of the respondent, or processing is important for setting, realizing or defending legal claims.

The respondent has the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including the creation of a profile, which produces legal effects relating to him or similarly significantly affecting him, unless such a decision is necessary for the conclusion or execution contract between the respondent and the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, if permitted by law prescribing appropriate measures to protect the rights and freedoms and legitimate interests of the respondent or based on the express consent of the respondent.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to draw attention to the right to object at the latest at the moment of the first communication with the respondent and must do so in a clear manner and separately from any other information. This applies if the legal basis for the specific processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS.


The respondent submits requests for exercising the right orally or in writing, including electronic communication. If an individual submits a request relating to any of the above rights of the respondent, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS will consider any such request in accordance with the applicable standards on personal data protection.

If the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS has reasonable doubts regarding the identity of the individual applying for the exercise of rights, he may in that case request the provision of additional information necessary to confirm the identity of the respondent.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS provides the respondent with information on the actions taken at his request without undue delay and in any case within one month of receiving the request. This period may be extended by an additional two months, as appropriate, taking into account the complexity and number of applications. WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS notifies the respondent of any such extension within one month of receiving the request, together with the reasons for the postponement. If the respondent submits the request electronically, the information shall be provided electronically if possible, unless the respondent requests otherwise.

If the respondents’ requests are obviously unfounded or excessive, especially due to their frequent repetition, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may:

• charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs of providing information or notification or acting on the request; or

• refuse to act on a request.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes personal data in the territory of the European Union and United Kingdom.

Personal data contained in material form (written documentation) are stored and otherwise processed in the business premises of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS in Zagreb, unless the purpose of processing or legal obligation requires otherwise.

Personal data in the form of electronic records are stored and otherwise processed within the IT infrastructure available to the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, unless the purpose of processing or legal obligation requires otherwise.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS stores personal data at its disposal for a period that depends on the purpose of processing certain personal data or the legal obligation to which the processing is subject. In accordance with the above, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS without delay deletes all personal data for the processing of which the purpose has been fulfilled (ceased).

Regarding the legal obligations of personal data storage, in that sense WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to act in accordance with the regulations governing, for example, the provision of legal services, accounting, tax liabilities, recording certain facts related to employment, as well as all other legal relations in which within its business enters the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS

In fulfilling its obligations under the “Right to Access Personal Data and Additional Information” (here under 8.B.) WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, among other things, provides the respondent with information about the intended period in which personal data will be stored or, if this is not possible the criteria used to determine that period.


In the event that the purpose of personal data processing or a legal obligation so requires, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may transfer personal data to a third country only in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation, always informing the respondent of the intention of such transfer. Personal data may only be transferred to those third countries for which an adequacy decision has been issued (transfers based on an adequacy decision). The European Commission shall draw up and publish a list of third countries which provide an adequate level of protection of personal data and to which personal data may be transferred without further restrictions.

If it is necessary to transfer personal data to a third country that is not on the list of the European Commission, then the transfer is possible only in the manner prescribed by the General Regulation.

In fulfilling its obligations under the “Right of Access to Personal Data and Additional Information” (here under 8.B.) WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, among other things, provides specific information on the possible transfer of personal data to third countries, as well as appropriate safeguards that are taken.


With the aim of properly implementing the provisions of this Policy as well as other internal acts in the field of personal data protection, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS undertakes to raise awareness of its employees about the rights and obligations arising from the provisions of the General Regulation.

The persons in charge of the processing of personal data are responsible for the protection of personal data against accidental loss or destruction, against unauthorized access or illegal processing, unauthorized disclosure and any other misuse, and sign an appropriate statement of confidentiality.

Only persons who are specially authorized by the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS have the right to access personal data, or the execution of personal data processing activities arises from the workplace where they are employed. Unauthorized access to personal data and attempts to upload or modify data are strictly prohibited.

By a special decision WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may appoint a data protection officer on the basis of professional qualifications, and in particular professional knowledge of law and practices in the field of data protection and the ability to perform tasks prescribed by the General Regulation.


Taking into account the latest achievements, the cost of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing, as well as risks of different levels of probability and seriousness for the rights and freedoms of individuals arising from data processing, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, both at the time processing, implements appropriate technical measures, such as pseudonymisation, to enable the effective application of data protection principles, such as data reduction, and the inclusion of safeguards in processing to meet the requirements of the General Regulation and protect the rights of respondents.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS must assess the appropriate level of security and take into account in particular the risks posed by data processing, and in particular the risks of accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of personal data or unauthorized access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

In relation to personal data stored under the supervision of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, technical protection measures are implemented, which include:

• locking of work rooms;

• storage of material documentation in binders;

• locking cabinets containing binders;

• availability of unlocking means exclusively for authorized persons;

• antivirus protection;

• passwords to access computers and other devices;

• other technical measures that are appropriate to the current risks to the rights and freedoms of the respondents.


If there is a likelihood that some type of processing, especially through new technologies and taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing, will cause a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to assess the impact of processing procedures on the protection of personal data. One assessment may relate to a number of similar processing operations that present similar high risks. When conducting a data protection impact assessment, the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS seeks advice from the Data Protection Officer, if appointed. The impact assessment should include a description of the processing operation and its purpose, an assessment of necessity and proportionality, a risk assessment and a description of measures to reduce the risk of processing.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS keeps, and on the basis of the request of the supervisory body submits to him, records on processing activities which contain the following essential elements of processing of personal data in relation to which there is such an obligation in accordance with the General Regulation:

• name and contact details of the controller and data protection officer;

• purpose of processing;

• description of the category of respondents and the category of personal data;

• legal basis for processing;

• data recipients;

• data transfers to third countries, if applicable;

• estimated retention periods;

• a general description of the technical and organizational security measures being implemented.


For all questions related to the processing of personal data and the exercise of the rights of respondents, feel free to contact us in accordance with the following contact information to our personal data protection officer:

DINO RADANOVIĆ, advocate from the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, Address: Ulica kneza Branimira 47, 10000 Zagreb, Republic Of Croatia;
Mobile phone: +44 20 3398 7920
E-mail: info@worldassociationofintellectualowners.com ;

This Policy is also available in the office of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS. We can also deliver the Policy to You at Your request.


The personal data protection policy enters into force on the day of its adoption.

In Zagreb, Republic Of Croatia, on day 26. of July 2023. year.



In a click, You become part of a global community of intellectual creators of all kinds, and You realize many benefits


certificates of intellectual creations (for example, certificate of authorship):

We issue certificates and proofs for every intellectual creation. The importance of this is manifold. First, you secure your intellectual creation against theft or unauthorized use. Then, you get recognition that you are a creator, and you can present yourself to all institutions and individuals, which often opens many doors. Then, you can further monetize that intellectual creation and monetize its use, through various channels, platforms and means that you may not have even known were possible. Finally, you can protect your intellectual creation if unauthorized use occurs, or in a way that is not authorized. It is important to emphasize that the certification of intellectual creations protects the work, but also you as the creator, in addition to property rights, as well as moral rights. You deserve recognition first and foremost. By certifying, you raise further awareness of the importance of recognizing intellectual creators and protecting intellectual creations.

protection of intellectual creations:

Strengthen Your defenses against infringement and misuse, protecting Your creative assets. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out various registration procedures, similar to how a car must be registered and renewed regularly. Don’t miss it.


Navigate complex IP landscapes with expert legal guidance and insights.


Showcase Your commitment to intellectual property (IP) rights and gain recognition among Your peers.

promotion and publicity:

Your work and intellectual creation, as well as Yourself, can become a brand. By encouraging creativity and innovation, and protecting intellectual property, we promote You and Your work, additionally creating and strengthening Your brand.

monetization of own intellectual rights through placement and licensing:

Many of You create works that You don’t even know are intellectual creations (for example, author’s works) and that can be monetized through various channels, platforms, etc. On the other hand, someone may already be using Your works without authorization and for free. Become aware of Yourself, Your quality and Your creations. Give importance to the works You create and start earning from them.

obtaining the necessary licenses and rights of use others intellectual creations:

If You use other people’s intellectual creations in Your work and activity, as a rule, you must have an appropriate license. It often happens that people are not even aware of someone’s intellectual property right, and that they need a license and approval from the creator. Stay up to date and get everything You need. Be sure.


Engage with intellectual property (IP) owners from diverse countries, expanding Your international network. Join our global community of intellectual property owners, creators, inventors, authors, experts and lawyers. Connect, collaborate, and expand Your horizons. Exchange influences.

the opportunity to be seen by some of our honorary members, and other individuals and interest groups with whom the association cooperates:

Our association has well-known and recognized individuals and corporations as honorary members. Be noticed by the greats, this is Your chance for great success.

participation in organized events:

We organize various events, or participate as support in organizing events. As our member, You will be the first to receive an invitation to participate in the event, not only passively, but also actively, for example as a performer.

education in the field of intellectual property, promotion and brand building (webinars, ebooks, meetings, conferences, consultations...):

Participate in seminars, webinars, and conferences to deepen your understanding of intellectual property. Stay ahead with the latest intellectual property (IP) trends, regulations, and best practices. Our resources empower you to make informed decisions. Access a treasure trove of guides, tools, and materials for effective IP management and enforcement.


Shape policies and standards that resonate on a global scale, influencing the future of intellectual property (IP) protection. Champion the cause of intellectual property rights on a global scale. Your support strengthens the protection of creators worldwide. Political and legislative bodies, governmental and non-governmental organizations are just examples of some of the types of organizations that you can lobby through our association for the improvement of awareness and protection of intellectual property. We also spread influence with our campaigns.

GLOBAL REACH in all of the above:

We have no space limitation. We spread the influence and recognition of You and Your works, without borders, through all of the above. The worst thing is to limit yourself. Be unlimited. Be worldly.


In a click, You become part of a global community of intellectual creators of all kinds, and You realize many benefits


In agreements on use (license) protected by copyright/related works and industrial property rights, an arbitration clause is entered in accordance with the UNITED NATIONS – WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION Arbitration Rules – WIPO Arbitration Rules, at the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center in Geneva, Switzerland, for ON-LINE efficient and economical quick resolution of disputes in a few months. The above includes all possible disputes from contracts on intellectual property rights, including contractual damages, as well as potential disputes against the Association. See Terms of Use.

For possible non-contractual disputes, including non-contractual damages committed by third parties, the World Association Of Intellectual Owners tries to find appropriate legal assistance in the individual countries where the damage was done, (considering that jurisdiction is usually determined individually for each place where the violation occurred / damage caused).

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privacy policy



In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27. April 2016. on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (Official Journal of the European Union L 119 , 4.5.2016, hereinafter: the „General Regulation“ – the so-called GDPR), which has been in full application since 25. May 2018 in all EU Member States, as well as the Law on the Implementation of the General Regulation on Protection data („Narodne novine“ no. 42/18), that is, in accordance with the entire legal framework for the protection of personal data in the European Union and European best practice,

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, with its registered office in Zagreb, Ulica kneza Branimira 47, 10000 Zagreb, registered in The Register of Associations, under register number: 21014807,

as the head of personal data processing of users of its services and other natural persons in accordance with special legal relations and business processes, has developed a Personal Data Protection Policy as a unilaterally binding legal act based on basic principles of personal data processing, which regulates which personal data is collected , how such data are processed, on what legal basis, for what purposes they are used and other issues related to the processing of personal data (hereinafter: „Policy“). The aim of this Policy is to acquaint individuals with their rights in the collection and further processing of personal data, all for the purpose of protecting their privacy.


The operations of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, in terms of collection and further processing of personal data on natural persons, are fully harmonized with the provisions of the General Regulation and, accordingly, everyone is guaranteed the protection of their privacy. A person who considers that the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes her personal data in an illegal manner, in addition to the rights he has directly towards the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, has the right to file a complaint to the competent supervisory body.

The personal data protection policy is based on the following principles of personal data processing, which WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to adhere to in its operations:

• Principle of legality, fairness and transparency of processing – any processing of personal data should be in accordance with a certain legal basis, and individuals are provided with information about the processing procedure and its purposes, and the controller is obliged to provide the respondent with all additional information necessary to ensure fair and transparent processing taking into account the specific circumstances and context of the processing of personal data;

• Purpose limitation principle – personal data should be collected for specific, explicit and lawful purposes and should not be further processed in a way that is not in accordance with those purposes; but further processing is possible for archiving purposes in the public interest, for the purposes of scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes;

• Principle of data reduction – personal data must be appropriate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;

• Principle of accuracy – personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, up-to-date; every reasonable measure must be taken to ensure that personal data which are inaccurate, taking into account the purposes for which they are processed, are deleted or rectified without delay;

• Principle of storage restrictions – personal data must be kept in a form that allows the identification of respondents only for as long as necessary for the purposes for which personal data are processed; longer retention periods are only possible if personal data will be processed exclusively for archiving purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes with the implementation of appropriate protection measures prescribed by the General Regulation;

• Principle of integrity and confidentiality – personal data must be processed in a way that ensures an adequate level of security, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage;

• Principle of reliability – WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, as the processing manager, is responsible for respecting the above principles, which must be able to prove.

This Policy applies to the entire business of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, where the aim of the Policy is to clearly and transparently inform all persons whose personal data are concerned about the processing of their personal data, their rights and the purposes for which their data are processed, as well as the legal basis for the processing of personal data.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is fully committed to ensuring the continuous and effective establishment of this Policy, and expects the same from its employees and business partners. Any violation of the provisions of this Policy may result in appropriate disciplinary action or business sanctions.

According to the definition in Article 4, Item 7. General Regulations, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is the head of personal data processing who determines the purpose and means of personal data processing in accordance with national legislation and / or EU law.

The provisions of this Policy shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS acts as a processor on behalf of another processing manager.

Meaning of certain definitions used in this Policy:

• „Personal data“ means all data relating to an individual whose identity has been or can be established (“respondent”); an identifiable individual is a person who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by means of identifiers such as name, identification number, location data, network identifier or by one or more factors specific to physical, physiological, genetic, mental , the economic, cultural or social identity of that individual. Accordingly, personal data are, for example, name and surname, OIB, address of residence, e-mail address, data contained in the court or other file of the respondents as parties, photographs, etc .;

• „Respondent“ is an individual whose identity can be established directly or indirectly, in particular by means of identifiers such as: name, identification number, location data, network identifier or by means of one or more factors specific to physical, physiological, genetic, mental, the economic, cultural or social identity of that individual;

• „Processing“ means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, by automated or non-automated means such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, retrieval, inspection, use, detection by transfer, dissemination or otherwise making available, harmonization or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction;

• „Violation of personal data“ means a breach of security that results in the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed;

• „Recipient“is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body to which personal data are disclosed, regardless of whether he is a third party;

• „Consent of the respondent“ is any voluntary, special, informed and unambiguous expression of the respondent’s wishes by which he / she gives consent to the processing of personal data related to him / her by a statement or clear confirmatory action;

• „Third party“ is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body other than the respondent, personal data controller or personal data processor and persons directly authorized by the processor to process personal data;

• „Processor“ is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the controller.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes personal data only to the extent that one of the following conditions is met:

• the respondent has consented to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes;

• processing is necessary for the performance of the contract to which the respondent is a party or in order to take action at the request of the respondent prior to the conclusion of the contract;

• processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of the controller;

• processing is necessary to protect the key interests of the respondent or other natural person;

• processing is necessary for the performance of a task of public interest or in the performance of the official authority of the controller;

• processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party, except where those interests are stronger than the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the respondent requiring the protection of personal data, especially if the respondent is a child.

When determining a legitimate interest in the processing of personal data (e.g. establishment of a video surveillance system) WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to make an adequate assessment of the existence of a legitimate interest as a legal basis, on the principle of “interest weighing” to determine the assumptions appropriate documentation.

If the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the consent of the respondent, such consent must be given voluntarily, in writing with easy-to-understand, clear and simple language and a clearly stated purpose for which it is given. Consent is determined by the purpose of the processing of personal data and contains a note on the manner of withdrawal, which must be as simple as giving it. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing done before its withdrawal.

When receiving e-mails with personal data by which it is possible to identify the person of the respondent, regardless of whether it is questions, comments, or a special form that You send us by e-mail, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS will process this data solely to address the above requests , unless the purpose of the processing of personal data requires otherwise.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS collects and processes the following categories of personal data:

a) personal data on the employees of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS: name and surname, address of residence, personal number of citizens, date of birth, citizenship, data on education and other personal data for which processing is prescribed by law or arises from employment (salary data, place of work, working hours, records of annual leave, etc.).

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING: execution of rights and obligations arising for the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS from employment with its employees (lawyers, trainee lawyers and other employees), and the provision of this information is a legal and contractual obligation of the respondent and is a condition for establishing and further employment;

b) personal data on persons participating in the tender or other procedure (open applications) in connection with the establishment of employment with the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS: name and surname, address of residence, personal number of citizens, date of birth and other data submitted by the said person in connection with a tendering procedure or other procedure.

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING: employment of new persons for a job in the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, and the provision of this information is a condition for the eventual employment of respondents;

c) personal data on parties, counterparties, their representatives, witnesses, experts and other persons who in any way participate in court and other proceedings in which WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS exercises its legal rights and obligations: name and surname, address of residence / domicile , personal number of citizens, kinship with other persons and other personal data contained in court and other documents.

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING: execution of attorneys ‘rights and duties, and the provision of these data is a contractual obligation of the respondent necessary for the proper execution of attorneys’ rights and duties;

d) personal data on persons with whom WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS maintains other business cooperation within the performance of its activities: name and surname, date of birth, personal number of citizens, address of residence, account number and other data related to the performance of mutual contractual obligations for legal obligations arising therefrom.

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING: acquisition of goods and services in legal transactions and execution of rights and obligations arising from such legal relations, and the provision of this information is a legal and contractual obligation of the respondent and a condition necessary for the conclusion of the contract;

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes personal data that it disposes of exclusively for the above-mentioned purposes, and will not use or process them in other (incompatible) purposes.

Exceptionally, if the processing of personal data for a purpose other than the purpose for which the data was collected is not based on the consent of the respondent, EU law, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, in order to determine whether processing for another purpose is in accordance with the purpose for which the personal data were originally collected, takes into account, inter alia:

• any link between the purpose of collecting personal data and the purpose of the intended continuation of processing;

• the context in which personal data were collected, in particular as regards the relationship between the respondent and the controller;

• the nature of personal data;

• possible consequences of the intended continuation of processing for the respondents;

• the existence of appropriate safeguards, which may include encryption or pseudonymization.

If the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS intends to further process personal data for a purpose other than that for which the personal data were collected, it shall provide the respondent with information on that other purpose and all other relevant information prescribed by the General Regulation.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS also conducts audio-video surveillance of our premises, based on the justified and necessary needs of the legitimate interests of the controller of personal data processing, all in order to ensure the safety of persons and property.


In terms of the provisions of the General Regulation, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes the above personal data in accordance with the following legal bases, which in this case of personal data processing exist individually or cumulatively:

• personal data listed under 4.a) – processing is necessary for the execution of the contract in which the respondent is a party / processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of the controller (regulations on employment, health and pension insurance, tax regulations, legal regulations, etc.);

• personal data listed under 4.b) – processing is necessary in order to take action at the request of the respondent before concluding the contract;

• personal data listed under 4.c) – processing is necessary for the execution of the contract to which the respondent is a party or to take action at the request of the respondent before concluding the contract / processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of the controller (legal regulations) / processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party / processing is necessary to protect the key interests of the respondent or other natural person;

• personal data listed under 4.d) – processing is necessary for the execution of the contract in which the respondent is a party / processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of the controller (accounting regulations, etc.) / processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the controller or third party sides;

In other cases, the respondent has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes.

In the case of sending offers for legal services, opinions, etc., based on inquiries or existing business cooperation with clients, no consent is required but this is considered our legitimate interest in accordance with Item 47. of the preamble to the Regulation on Personal Data Protection.

In addition to the above legal bases, the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may process personal data in cases determined by law or by a decision of the competent public body. WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes the stated personal data exclusively in a manner that is in accordance with the purpose of their collection and will not process them for other purposes.


In the context of performing its daily business processes, and in carrying out its legal activities, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, as the head of personal data processing, processes the aforementioned personal data through its employees and persons authorized to represent.

Within their workplace, and in the context of performing their daily work duties, the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes personal data:

a) persons authorized to represent the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS;
b) lawyers;
c) trainee lawyers;
d) the Administrative Secretary;
e) other workers with appropriate authorizations.

On behalf of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS as the processing manager, in some cases the personal data are processed by the processing executor (e.g. accounting or IT service). WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to enter into an appropriate written agreement with such data processors, which obliges the processor, inter alia, to apply all data protection standards prescribed by the General Regulation with regard to the protection of personal data in question. Also, the processing executor is not authorized to hire another processing executor (processing subcontractor) without the prior special or general written approval of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS.


If this is required by the purpose of personal data processing or there is such a legal obligation, in certain cases WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS discloses (forwards) personal data to other natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or other bodies. In all other cases, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS does not disclose to third parties the personal data at its disposal.

For the sake of complete transparency, the following is an overview of the categories of recipients of certain personal data available to the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS:

1. The personal data listed under 4.a) shall be disclosed:

• external accounting service and IT specialists with whom the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS has concluded an appropriate written agreement in terms of the provisions of the General Regulation;

• Tax Administration;

• A commercial bank with which the employee has an account;

• Other public authorities when there is such a legal obligation;

• Other entities in accordance with the General Regulation.

2. The personal data listed under 4.b) shall not be disclosed to other recipients unless the candidate for the position explicitly requests it, and there is such an interest of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS.

3. The personal data listed under 4.c) shall be disclosed:

• courts;

• public bodies;

• substitute proxies, if any;

• other legal and natural persons in accordance with the purpose of practicing law.

4. The personal data listed under 4.d) shall not be disclosed directly to other recipients.

In fulfilling its obligations under the “Right to Access Personal Data and Additional Information” (here under 8.B.), WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, among other things, provides specific information about the recipients of personal data of individual respondents.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS ensures the exercise of the following rights to persons whose personal data it has at its disposal (regulated by Articles 12.-22. of the General Regulation):

A. Transparency;
B. Access to personal data and additional information;
C. The right to rectify data;
D. Right to Erase (“Right to Forget”);
E. The right to restrict data processing;
F. The right to data portability;
G. Right to object;

In addition to the stated rights that the respondent exercises according to the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, the respondent has the right to object to the competent authority. In the Republic of Croatia, the competent authority is the Agency for Personal Data Protection.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to provide the Respondent with information when collecting personal data and, among other things, to inform him about his identity and contact information, purposes of processing and legal basis for data processing, recipients, possible export to third countries, storage period, withdrawal options consent and other information in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation.

One of the ways to act in accordance with the previous obligation is to acquaint the respondents with the provisions of this Policy, which achieves the effects prescribed by Article 13. of the General Regulation (Information to be provided if personal data are collected from respondents). This can be done, for example, by sending a web link with the text of this Policy, attaching an attachment to the service contract, delivery or delivery to the party upon entering into a legal relationship, displaying at the law office, highlighting such notice in the signature of the email and similar.

If the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS in a particular case does not collect personal data directly from the respondent, it is still obliged to provide him with the above information, unless otherwise provided by Article 14. of the General Regulation.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to provide the respondent, at his request, with information on whether personal data relating to him are processed and, if such personal data are processed, to provide access to personal data, as well as information, inter alia, on processed personal data , the storage period or the criteria used to determine that period, any removal to third countries and other information in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation.

In that case, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS provides a copy of personal data that are processed, and relate to the subject. For all additional copies requested by the respondent, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs. If the respondent submits the request electronically, as in other cases unless the respondent requests otherwise, the information shall be provided in the usual electronic form.

The right to obtain a copy of the processed personal data must not have a negative impact on the rights and freedoms of others.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to enable the respondent, at his request, to correct inaccurate personal data relating to him and the respondent has the right to supplement incomplete personal data, inter alia by giving an additional statement.


The respondent has the right to obtain the deletion of personal data relating to him from the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS and the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS has the obligation to delete personal data without undue delay if at least one of the following conditions is met:

• personal data are no longer necessary for the purpose of processing;

• the respondent has withdrawn consent to the processing, if there is no other legal basis for the processing of the personal data in question;

• the respondent objects to the processing in accordance with Article 21. Paragraph 1. of the General Regulation, and there are no stronger legitimate reasons for the processing of the personal data in question;

• personal data has been illegally processed;

• personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation arising from European Union law.


The respondent has the right to obtain a restriction from the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS on the processing of personal data relating to him if one of the following is met:

• the respondent disputes the accuracy of personal data for the period by which the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is enabled to verify the accuracy of personal data;

• the processing is illegal and the respondent opposes the deletion of personal data and instead requests a restriction on their use;

• WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS no longer needs personal data for the purposes of processing, but the respondent requests them in order to set, realize or defend legal claims;

• the respondent objected to the processing of personal data pursuant to Article 21. Paragraph 1. of the General Regulation, awaiting confirmation as to whether the legitimate reasons of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS exceed the reasons on the part of the respondent.

If the processing described in this way is limited, the personal data in question may be processed only with the consent of the respondent, with the exception of the storage of such personal data, or for setting, exercising or defending legal claims or protecting the rights of another natural or legal person.

The respondent who obtained the restriction on the processing of his personal data is reported by the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS before the restriction on the processing is lifted.


The respondent has the right to receive his personal data collected from him by the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, in a structured form and in a commonly used and machine-readable format and has the right to transfer this data to another controller without interference by the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, provided that processing is carried out automatically and is based on a given consent or contractual obligation.


The respondent has the right to object to any processing of personal data based on the existence of a legitimate interest of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS (including the creation of a profile).

In the event of an objection, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may no longer process the personal data of the respondent, unless it proves that the legitimate reasons of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS for the processing of personal data exceed the interests of the respondent, or processing is important for setting, realizing or defending legal claims.

The respondent has the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including the creation of a profile, which produces legal effects relating to him or similarly significantly affecting him, unless such a decision is necessary for the conclusion or execution contract between the respondent and the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, if permitted by law prescribing appropriate measures to protect the rights and freedoms and legitimate interests of the respondent or based on the express consent of the respondent.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to draw attention to the right to object at the latest at the moment of the first communication with the respondent and must do so in a clear manner and separately from any other information. This applies if the legal basis for the specific processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS.


The respondent submits requests for exercising the right orally or in writing, including electronic communication. If an individual submits a request relating to any of the above rights of the respondent, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS will consider any such request in accordance with the applicable standards on personal data protection.

If the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS has reasonable doubts regarding the identity of the individual applying for the exercise of rights, he may in that case request the provision of additional information necessary to confirm the identity of the respondent.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS provides the respondent with information on the actions taken at his request without undue delay and in any case within one month of receiving the request. This period may be extended by an additional two months, as appropriate, taking into account the complexity and number of applications. WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS notifies the respondent of any such extension within one month of receiving the request, together with the reasons for the postponement. If the respondent submits the request electronically, the information shall be provided electronically if possible, unless the respondent requests otherwise.

If the respondents’ requests are obviously unfounded or excessive, especially due to their frequent repetition, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may:

• charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs of providing information or notification or acting on the request; or

• refuse to act on a request.


WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS processes personal data in the territory of the European Union and United Kingdom.

Personal data contained in material form (written documentation) are stored and otherwise processed in the business premises of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS in Zagreb, unless the purpose of processing or legal obligation requires otherwise.

Personal data in the form of electronic records are stored and otherwise processed within the IT infrastructure available to the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, unless the purpose of processing or legal obligation requires otherwise.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS stores personal data at its disposal for a period that depends on the purpose of processing certain personal data or the legal obligation to which the processing is subject. In accordance with the above, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS without delay deletes all personal data for the processing of which the purpose has been fulfilled (ceased).

Regarding the legal obligations of personal data storage, in that sense WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to act in accordance with the regulations governing, for example, the provision of legal services, accounting, tax liabilities, recording certain facts related to employment, as well as all other legal relations in which within its business enters the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS

In fulfilling its obligations under the “Right to Access Personal Data and Additional Information” (here under 8.B.) WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, among other things, provides the respondent with information about the intended period in which personal data will be stored or, if this is not possible the criteria used to determine that period.


In the event that the purpose of personal data processing or a legal obligation so requires, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may transfer personal data to a third country only in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation, always informing the respondent of the intention of such transfer. Personal data may only be transferred to those third countries for which an adequacy decision has been issued (transfers based on an adequacy decision). The European Commission shall draw up and publish a list of third countries which provide an adequate level of protection of personal data and to which personal data may be transferred without further restrictions.

If it is necessary to transfer personal data to a third country that is not on the list of the European Commission, then the transfer is possible only in the manner prescribed by the General Regulation.

In fulfilling its obligations under the “Right of Access to Personal Data and Additional Information” (here under 8.B.) WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, among other things, provides specific information on the possible transfer of personal data to third countries, as well as appropriate safeguards that are taken.


With the aim of properly implementing the provisions of this Policy as well as other internal acts in the field of personal data protection, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS undertakes to raise awareness of its employees about the rights and obligations arising from the provisions of the General Regulation.

The persons in charge of the processing of personal data are responsible for the protection of personal data against accidental loss or destruction, against unauthorized access or illegal processing, unauthorized disclosure and any other misuse, and sign an appropriate statement of confidentiality.

Only persons who are specially authorized by the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS have the right to access personal data, or the execution of personal data processing activities arises from the workplace where they are employed. Unauthorized access to personal data and attempts to upload or modify data are strictly prohibited.

By a special decision WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS may appoint a data protection officer on the basis of professional qualifications, and in particular professional knowledge of law and practices in the field of data protection and the ability to perform tasks prescribed by the General Regulation.


Taking into account the latest achievements, the cost of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing, as well as risks of different levels of probability and seriousness for the rights and freedoms of individuals arising from data processing, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, both at the time processing, implements appropriate technical measures, such as pseudonymisation, to enable the effective application of data protection principles, such as data reduction, and the inclusion of safeguards in processing to meet the requirements of the General Regulation and protect the rights of respondents.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS must assess the appropriate level of security and take into account in particular the risks posed by data processing, and in particular the risks of accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of personal data or unauthorized access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

In relation to personal data stored under the supervision of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, technical protection measures are implemented, which include:

• locking of work rooms;

• storage of material documentation in binders;

• locking cabinets containing binders;

• availability of unlocking means exclusively for authorized persons;

• antivirus protection;

• passwords to access computers and other devices;

• other technical measures that are appropriate to the current risks to the rights and freedoms of the respondents.


If there is a likelihood that some type of processing, especially through new technologies and taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing, will cause a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS is obliged to assess the impact of processing procedures on the protection of personal data. One assessment may relate to a number of similar processing operations that present similar high risks. When conducting a data protection impact assessment, the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS seeks advice from the Data Protection Officer, if appointed. The impact assessment should include a description of the processing operation and its purpose, an assessment of necessity and proportionality, a risk assessment and a description of measures to reduce the risk of processing.

WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS keeps, and on the basis of the request of the supervisory body submits to him, records on processing activities which contain the following essential elements of processing of personal data in relation to which there is such an obligation in accordance with the General Regulation:

• name and contact details of the controller and data protection officer;

• purpose of processing;

• description of the category of respondents and the category of personal data;

• legal basis for processing;

• data recipients;

• data transfers to third countries, if applicable;

• estimated retention periods;

• a general description of the technical and organizational security measures being implemented.


For all questions related to the processing of personal data and the exercise of the rights of respondents, feel free to contact us in accordance with the following contact information to our personal data protection officer:

DINO RADANOVIĆ, advocate from the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS, Address: Ulica kneza Branimira 47, 10000 Zagreb, Republic Of Croatia;
Mobile phone: +44 20 3398 7920
E-mail: info@worldassociationofintellectualowners.com ;

This Policy is also available in the office of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL OWNERS. We can also deliver the Policy to You at Your request.


The personal data protection policy enters into force on the day of its adoption.

In Zagreb, Republic Of Croatia, on day 26. of July 2023. year.



In a click, You become part of a global community of intellectual creators of all kinds, and You realize many benefits


certificates of intellectual creations (for example, certificate of authorship):

We issue certificates and proofs for every intellectual creation. The importance of this is manifold. First, you secure your intellectual creation against theft or unauthorized use. Then, you get recognition that you are a creator, and you can present yourself to all institutions and individuals, which often opens many doors. Then, you can further monetize that intellectual creation and monetize its use, through various channels, platforms and means that you may not have even known were possible. Finally, you can protect your intellectual creation if unauthorized use occurs, or in a way that is not authorized. It is important to emphasize that the certification of intellectual creations protects the work, but also you as the creator, in addition to property rights, as well as moral rights. You deserve recognition first and foremost. By certifying, you raise further awareness of the importance of recognizing intellectual creators and protecting intellectual creations.

protection of intellectual creations:

Strengthen Your defenses against infringement and misuse, protecting Your creative assets. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out various registration procedures, similar to how a car must be registered and renewed regularly. Don’t miss it.


Navigate complex IP landscapes with expert legal guidance and insights.


Showcase Your commitment to intellectual property (IP) rights and gain recognition among Your peers.

promotion and publicity:

Your work and intellectual creation, as well as Yourself, can become a brand. By encouraging creativity and innovation, and protecting intellectual property, we promote You and Your work, additionally creating and strengthening Your brand.

monetization of own intellectual rights through placement and licensing:

Many of You create works that You don’t even know are intellectual creations (for example, author’s works) and that can be monetized through various channels, platforms, etc. On the other hand, someone may already be using Your works without authorization and for free. Become aware of Yourself, Your quality and Your creations. Give importance to the works You create and start earning from them.

obtaining the necessary licenses and rights of use others intellectual creations:

If You use other people’s intellectual creations in Your work and activity, as a rule, you must have an appropriate license. It often happens that people are not even aware of someone’s intellectual property right, and that they need a license and approval from the creator. Stay up to date and get everything You need. Be sure.


Engage with intellectual property (IP) owners from diverse countries, expanding Your international network. Join our global community of intellectual property owners, creators, inventors, authors, experts and lawyers. Connect, collaborate, and expand Your horizons. Exchange influences.

the opportunity to be seen by some of our honorary members, and other individuals and interest groups with whom the association cooperates:

Our association has well-known and recognized individuals and corporations as honorary members. Be noticed by the greats, this is Your chance for great success.

participation in organized events:

We organize various events, or participate as support in organizing events. As our member, You will be the first to receive an invitation to participate in the event, not only passively, but also actively, for example as a performer.

education in the field of intellectual property, promotion and brand building (webinars, ebooks, meetings, conferences, consultations...):

Participate in seminars, webinars, and conferences to deepen your understanding of intellectual property. Stay ahead with the latest intellectual property (IP) trends, regulations, and best practices. Our resources empower you to make informed decisions. Access a treasure trove of guides, tools, and materials for effective IP management and enforcement.


Shape policies and standards that resonate on a global scale, influencing the future of intellectual property (IP) protection. Champion the cause of intellectual property rights on a global scale. Your support strengthens the protection of creators worldwide. Political and legislative bodies, governmental and non-governmental organizations are just examples of some of the types of organizations that you can lobby through our association for the improvement of awareness and protection of intellectual property. We also spread influence with our campaigns.

GLOBAL REACH in all of the above:

We have no space limitation. We spread the influence and recognition of You and Your works, without borders, through all of the above. The worst thing is to limit yourself. Be unlimited. Be worldly.


In a click, You become part of a global community of intellectual creators of all kinds, and You realize many benefits


In agreements on use (license) protected by copyright/related works and industrial property rights, an arbitration clause is entered in accordance with the UNITED NATIONS – WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION Arbitration Rules – WIPO Arbitration Rules, at the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center in Geneva, Switzerland, for ON-LINE efficient and economical quick resolution of disputes in a few months. The above includes all possible disputes from contracts on intellectual property rights, including contractual damages, as well as potential disputes against the Association. See Terms of Use.

For possible non-contractual disputes, including non-contractual damages committed by third parties, the World Association Of Intellectual Owners tries to find appropriate legal assistance in the individual countries where the damage was done, (considering that jurisdiction is usually determined individually for each place where the violation occurred / damage caused).

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