Emporio Armani ® Trademark

Register Your Trademark

A trademark is an exclusive right recognized for a sign that serves to distinguish the products and/or services of one person from other persons in business transactions.

The name, logo, emblem, label or other distinguishing features of Your product and/or service can be protected by a trademark.

As a rule, trademark protection is valid for 10 years, counting from the date of application. The time of protection CAN BE EXTENDED INDEFINITELY for periods of 10 years, with timely submission of the request (as a rule, before the expiration of the previous 10 years) and payment of the appropriate fees and expenses.


The trademark provides the owner with the exclusive right to market products and/or services marked with it. Owners can also issue licenses and thus achieve additional profits.

Trademark protection is an effective marketing tool by which manufacturers and service providers protect the funds they have invested in the promotion and marketing of their products and/or services.

The protection of the very creation of a sign, logo or label CAN REPRESENT AN AUTHOR’S WORK THAT IS PROTECTED AS A COPYRIGHT, which protects the interest of the author or creator.

The trademark is acquired by registration based on the examination of conditions. The basic conditions that a sign must meet in order to become a trademark are that it is distinct and not similar to an earlier trademark.

After a successful registration procedure, when all conditions for registration have been met, the registered trademark has the right (but not the obligation) to display the ® symbol.

Register Your Trademark

Spotify ® Trademark
Google ® Trademark

Microsoft ® Trademark

Instagram ® Trademark

YouTube ® Trademark
McDonalds's ® Trademark

Register Your Trademark

Milka ® Trademark



In a click, You become part of a global community of intellectual creators of all kinds, and You realize many benefits


certificates of intellectual creations (for example, certificate of authorship):

We issue certificates and proofs for every intellectual creation. The importance of this is manifold. First, you secure your intellectual creation against theft or unauthorized use. Then, you get recognition that you are a creator, and you can present yourself to all institutions and individuals, which often opens many doors. Then, you can further monetize that intellectual creation and monetize its use, through various channels, platforms and means that you may not have even known were possible. Finally, you can protect your intellectual creation if unauthorized use occurs, or in a way that is not authorized. It is important to emphasize that the certification of intellectual creations protects the work, but also you as the creator, in addition to property rights, as well as moral rights. You deserve recognition first and foremost. By certifying, you raise further awareness of the importance of recognizing intellectual creators and protecting intellectual creations.

protection of intellectual creations:

Strengthen Your defenses against infringement and misuse, protecting Your creative assets. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out various registration procedures, similar to how a car must be registered and renewed regularly. Don’t miss it.


Navigate complex IP landscapes with expert legal guidance and insights.


Showcase Your commitment to intellectual property (IP) rights and gain recognition among Your peers.

promotion and publicity:

Your work and intellectual creation, as well as Yourself, can become a brand. By encouraging creativity and innovation, and protecting intellectual property, we promote You and Your work, additionally creating and strengthening Your brand.

monetization of own intellectual rights through placement and licensing:

Many of You create works that You don’t even know are intellectual creations (for example, author’s works) and that can be monetized through various channels, platforms, etc. On the other hand, someone may already be using Your works without authorization and for free. Become aware of Yourself, Your quality and Your creations. Give importance to the works You create and start earning from them.

obtaining the necessary licenses and rights of use others intellectual creations:

If You use other people’s intellectual creations in Your work and activity, as a rule, you must have an appropriate license. It often happens that people are not even aware of someone’s intellectual property right, and that they need a license and approval from the creator. Stay up to date and get everything You need. Be sure.


Engage with intellectual property (IP) owners from diverse countries, expanding Your international network. Join our global community of intellectual property owners, creators, inventors, authors, experts and lawyers. Connect, collaborate, and expand Your horizons. Exchange influences.

the opportunity to be seen by some of our honorary members, and other individuals and interest groups with whom the association cooperates:

Our association has well-known and recognized individuals and corporations as honorary members. Be noticed by the greats, this is Your chance for great success.

participation in organized events:

We organize various events, or participate as support in organizing events. As our member, You will be the first to receive an invitation to participate in the event, not only passively, but also actively, for example as a performer.

education in the field of intellectual property, promotion and brand building (webinars, ebooks, meetings, conferences, consultations...):

Participate in seminars, webinars, and conferences to deepen your understanding of intellectual property. Stay ahead with the latest intellectual property (IP) trends, regulations, and best practices. Our resources empower you to make informed decisions. Access a treasure trove of guides, tools, and materials for effective IP management and enforcement.


Shape policies and standards that resonate on a global scale, influencing the future of intellectual property (IP) protection. Champion the cause of intellectual property rights on a global scale. Your support strengthens the protection of creators worldwide. Political and legislative bodies, governmental and non-governmental organizations are just examples of some of the types of organizations that you can lobby through our association for the improvement of awareness and protection of intellectual property. We also spread influence with our campaigns.

GLOBAL REACH in all of the above:

We have no space limitation. We spread the influence and recognition of You and Your works, without borders, through all of the above. The worst thing is to limit yourself. Be unlimited. Be worldly.


In a click, You become part of a global community of intellectual creators of all kinds, and You realize many benefits


In agreements on use (license) protected by copyright/related works and industrial property rights, an arbitration clause is entered in accordance with the UNITED NATIONS – WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION Arbitration Rules – WIPO Arbitration Rules, at the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center in Geneva, Switzerland, for ON-LINE efficient and economical quick resolution of disputes in a few months. The above includes all possible disputes from contracts on intellectual property rights, including contractual damages, as well as potential disputes against the Association. See Terms of Use.

For possible non-contractual disputes, including non-contractual damages committed by third parties, the World Association Of Intellectual Owners tries to find appropriate legal assistance in the individual countries where the damage was done, (considering that jurisdiction is usually determined individually for each place where the violation occurred / damage caused).

By empowering, strengthening and protecting intellectual property, human civilization also strengthens and advances!

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Protect Your Intellectual Property

Register Your Trademark

Register Your Trademark


Trademarks ™ ®
Industrial designs
Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin
Topography of Semiconductor Products (Chips)
= The registration procedure is being carried out (and obtaining a label ®);
= Trademarks protection lasts for 10 years and can be extended an unlimited number of times; Industrial designs protection lasts for 5 years and can be extended up to maximum of 25 years; Patent protection lasts for 20 years; For Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin, as a rule, there is no term of protection; The protection of Topography of Semiconductor Products (chips) usually lasts for 10 years;
= Trade Secrets has no registration procedure and no expiration date;

A trademark is an exclusive right recognized for a sign that serves to distinguish the products and/or services of one person from other persons in business transactions.

The name, logo, emblem, label or other distinguishing features of Your product and/or service can be protected by a trademark.

The trademark is acquired by registration based on the examination of conditions. The basic conditions that a sign must meet in order to become a trademark are that it is distinct and not similar to an earlier trademark.

After a successful registration procedure, when all conditions for registration have been met, the registered trademark has the right (but not the obligation) to display the ® symbol.

As a rule, trademark protection is valid for 10 years, counting from the date of application. The time of protection CAN BE EXTENDED INDEFINITELY for periods of 10 years, with timely submission of the request (as a rule, before the expiration of the previous 10 years) and payment of the appropriate fees and expenses.


The trademark provides the owner with the exclusive right to market products and/or services marked with it. Owners can also issue licenses and thus achieve additional profits.

Trademark protection is an effective marketing tool by which manufacturers and service providers protect the funds they have invested in the promotion and marketing of their products and/or services.

The protection of the very creation of a sign, logo or label CAN REPRESENT AN AUTHOR’S WORK THAT IS PROTECTED AS A COPYRIGHT, which protects the interest of the author or creator.

Emporio Armani ® Trademark

Microsoft ® Trademark

Spotify ® Trademark
•    photographic works and works produced by a process similar to photography;
•    audiovisual works, such as cinematographic, television, documentary, cartoon, advertising or other films and other audiovisual works expressed by images, with or without sound, in a time-organised sequence of changes, regardless of the type of background on which they are fixed;
•     journalistic works, such as articles, photographs and audiovisual clips;
•     videogames and other multimedia works;
•     cartographic works;
•     presentations of a scientific or technical nature such as drawings, plans, sketches, tables;
•     other kinds of original intellectual creations having an individual character.
•    photographic works and works produced by a process similar to photography;
•    audiovisual works, such as cinematographic, television, documentary, cartoon, advertising or other films and other audiovisual works expressed by images, with or without sound, in a time-organised sequence of changes, regardless of the type of background on which they are fixed;
•     journalistic works, such as articles, photographs and audiovisual clips;
•     videogames and other multimedia works;
•     cartographic works;
•     presentations of a scientific or technical nature such as drawings, plans, sketches, tables;
•     other kinds of original intellectual creations having an individual character.
•    photographic works and works produced by a process similar to photography;
•    audiovisual works, such as cinematographic, television, documentary, cartoon, advertising or other films and other audiovisual works expressed by images, with or without sound, in a time-organised sequence of changes, regardless of the type of background on which they are fixed;
•     journalistic works, such as articles, photographs and audiovisual clips;
•     videogames and other multimedia works;
•     cartographic works;
•     presentations of a scientific or technical nature such as drawings, plans, sketches, tables;
•     other kinds of original intellectual creations having an individual character.
Google ® Trademark

Instagram ® Trademark

YouTube ® Trademark
•    photographic works and works produced by a process similar to photography;
•    audiovisual works, such as cinematographic, television, documentary, cartoon, advertising or other films and other audiovisual works expressed by images, with or without sound, in a time-organised sequence of changes, regardless of the type of background on which they are fixed;
•     journalistic works, such as articles, photographs and audiovisual clips;
•     videogames and other multimedia works;
•     cartographic works;
•     presentations of a scientific or technical nature such as drawings, plans, sketches, tables;
•     other kinds of original intellectual creations having an individual character.
•    photographic works and works produced by a process similar to photography;
•    audiovisual works, such as cinematographic, television, documentary, cartoon, advertising or other films and other audiovisual works expressed by images, with or without sound, in a time-organised sequence of changes, regardless of the type of background on which they are fixed;
•     journalistic works, such as articles, photographs and audiovisual clips;
•     videogames and other multimedia works;
•     cartographic works;
•     presentations of a scientific or technical nature such as drawings, plans, sketches, tables;
•     other kinds of original intellectual creations having an individual character.
•    photographic works and works produced by a process similar to photography;
•    audiovisual works, such as cinematographic, television, documentary, cartoon, advertising or other films and other audiovisual works expressed by images, with or without sound, in a time-organised sequence of changes, regardless of the type of background on which they are fixed;
•     journalistic works, such as articles, photographs and audiovisual clips;
•     videogames and other multimedia works;
•     cartographic works;
•     presentations of a scientific or technical nature such as drawings, plans, sketches, tables;
•     other kinds of original intellectual creations having an individual character.
•    photographic works and works produced by a process similar to photography;
•    audiovisual works, such as cinematographic, television, documentary, cartoon, advertising or other films and other audiovisual works expressed by images, with or without sound, in a time-organised sequence of changes, regardless of the type of background on which they are fixed;
•     journalistic works, such as articles, photographs and audiovisual clips;
•     videogames and other multimedia works;
•     cartographic works;
•     presentations of a scientific or technical nature such as drawings, plans, sketches, tables;
•     other kinds of original intellectual creations having an individual character.
•    photographic works and works produced by a process similar to photography;
•    audiovisual works, such as cinematographic, television, documentary, cartoon, advertising or other films and other audiovisual works expressed by images, with or without sound, in a time-organised sequence of changes, regardless of the type of background on which they are fixed;
•     journalistic works, such as articles, photographs and audiovisual clips;
•     videogames and other multimedia works;
•     cartographic works;
•     presentations of a scientific or technical nature such as drawings, plans, sketches, tables;
•     other kinds of original intellectual creations having an individual character.
•    photographic works and works produced by a process similar to photography;
•    audiovisual works, such as cinematographic, television, documentary, cartoon, advertising or other films and other audiovisual works expressed by images, with or without sound, in a time-organised sequence of changes, regardless of the type of background on which they are fixed;
•     journalistic works, such as articles, photographs and audiovisual clips;
•     videogames and other multimedia works;
•     cartographic works;
•     presentations of a scientific or technical nature such as drawings, plans, sketches, tables;
•     other kinds of original intellectual creations having an individual character.
Milka ® Trademark



In a click, You become part of a global community of intellectual creators of all kinds, and You realize many benefits


certificates of intellectual creations (for example, certificate of authorship):

We issue certificates and proofs for every intellectual creation. The importance of this is manifold. First, you secure your intellectual creation against theft or unauthorized use. Then, you get recognition that you are a creator, and you can present yourself to all institutions and individuals, which often opens many doors. Then, you can further monetize that intellectual creation and monetize its use, through various channels, platforms and means that you may not have even known were possible. Finally, you can protect your intellectual creation if unauthorized use occurs, or in a way that is not authorized. It is important to emphasize that the certification of intellectual creations protects the work, but also you as the creator, in addition to property rights, as well as moral rights. You deserve recognition first and foremost. By certifying, you raise further awareness of the importance of recognizing intellectual creators and protecting intellectual creations.

protection of intellectual creations:

Strengthen Your defenses against infringement and misuse, protecting Your creative assets. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out various registration procedures, similar to how a car must be registered and renewed regularly. Don’t miss it.


Navigate complex IP landscapes with expert legal guidance and insights.


Showcase Your commitment to intellectual property (IP) rights and gain recognition among Your peers.

promotion and publicity:

Your work and intellectual creation, as well as Yourself, can become a brand. By encouraging creativity and innovation, and protecting intellectual property, we promote You and Your work, additionally creating and strengthening Your brand.

monetization of own intellectual rights through placement and licensing:

Many of You create works that You don’t even know are intellectual creations (for example, author’s works) and that can be monetized through various channels, platforms, etc. On the other hand, someone may already be using Your works without authorization and for free. Become aware of Yourself, Your quality and Your creations. Give importance to the works You create and start earning from them.

obtaining the necessary licenses and rights of use others intellectual creations:

If You use other people’s intellectual creations in Your work and activity, as a rule, you must have an appropriate license. It often happens that people are not even aware of someone’s intellectual property right, and that they need a license and approval from the creator. Stay up to date and get everything You need. Be sure.


Engage with intellectual property (IP) owners from diverse countries, expanding Your international network. Join our global community of intellectual property owners, creators, inventors, authors, experts and lawyers. Connect, collaborate, and expand Your horizons. Exchange influences.

the opportunity to be seen by some of our honorary members, and other individuals and interest groups with whom the association cooperates:

Our association has well-known and recognized individuals and corporations as honorary members. Be noticed by the greats, this is Your chance for great success.

participation in organized events:

We organize various events, or participate as support in organizing events. As our member, You will be the first to receive an invitation to participate in the event, not only passively, but also actively, for example as a performer.

education in the field of intellectual property, promotion and brand building (webinars, ebooks, meetings, conferences, consultations...):

Participate in seminars, webinars, and conferences to deepen your understanding of intellectual property. Stay ahead with the latest intellectual property (IP) trends, regulations, and best practices. Our resources empower you to make informed decisions. Access a treasure trove of guides, tools, and materials for effective IP management and enforcement.


Shape policies and standards that resonate on a global scale, influencing the future of intellectual property (IP) protection. Champion the cause of intellectual property rights on a global scale. Your support strengthens the protection of creators worldwide. Political and legislative bodies, governmental and non-governmental organizations are just examples of some of the types of organizations that you can lobby through our association for the improvement of awareness and protection of intellectual property. We also spread influence with our campaigns.

GLOBAL REACH in all of the above:

We have no space limitation. We spread the influence and recognition of You and Your works, without borders, through all of the above. The worst thing is to limit yourself. Be unlimited. Be worldly.


In a click, You become part of a global community of intellectual creators of all kinds, and You realize many benefits


In agreements on use (license) protected by copyright/related works and industrial property rights, an arbitration clause is entered in accordance with the UNITED NATIONS – WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION Arbitration Rules – WIPO Arbitration Rules, at the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center in Geneva, Switzerland, for ON-LINE efficient and economical quick resolution of disputes in a few months. The above includes all possible disputes from contracts on intellectual property rights, including contractual damages, as well as potential disputes against the Association. See Terms of Use.

For possible non-contractual disputes, including non-contractual damages committed by third parties, the World Association Of Intellectual Owners tries to find appropriate legal assistance in the individual countries where the damage was done, (considering that jurisdiction is usually determined individually for each place where the violation occurred / damage caused).

By empowering, strengthening and protecting intellectual property, human civilization also strengthens and advances!

Protect Your Intellectual Property

Receive informations in the field of intellectual property

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Emporio Armani ® Trademark

Register Your Trademark

A trademark is an exclusive right recognized for a sign that serves to distinguish the products and/or services of one person from other persons in business transactions.

The name, logo, emblem, label or other distinguishing features of Your product and/or service can be protected by a trademark.

As a rule, trademark protection is valid for 10 years, counting from the date of application. The time of protection CAN BE EXTENDED INDEFINITELY for periods of 10 years, with timely submission of the request (as a rule, before the expiration of the previous 10 years) and payment of the appropriate fees and expenses.


The trademark provides the owner with the exclusive right to market products and/or services marked with it. Owners can also issue licenses and thus achieve additional profits.

Trademark protection is an effective marketing tool by which manufacturers and service providers protect the funds they have invested in the promotion and marketing of their products and/or services.

The protection of the very creation of a sign, logo or label CAN REPRESENT AN AUTHOR’S WORK THAT IS PROTECTED AS A COPYRIGHT, which protects the interest of the author or creator.

The trademark is acquired by registration based on the examination of conditions. The basic conditions that a sign must meet in order to become a trademark are that it is distinct and not similar to an earlier trademark.

After a successful registration procedure, when all conditions for registration have been met, the registered trademark has the right (but not the obligation) to display the ® symbol.

Register Your Trademark

Spotify ® Trademark
Google ® Trademark

Microsoft ® Trademark

Instagram ® Trademark

YouTube ® Trademark
McDonalds's ® Trademark

Register Your Trademark

Milka ® Trademark



In a click, You become part of a global community of intellectual creators of all kinds, and You realize many benefits


certificates of intellectual creations (for example, certificate of authorship):

We issue certificates and proofs for every intellectual creation. The importance of this is manifold. First, you secure your intellectual creation against theft or unauthorized use. Then, you get recognition that you are a creator, and you can present yourself to all institutions and individuals, which often opens many doors. Then, you can further monetize that intellectual creation and monetize its use, through various channels, platforms and means that you may not have even known were possible. Finally, you can protect your intellectual creation if unauthorized use occurs, or in a way that is not authorized. It is important to emphasize that the certification of intellectual creations protects the work, but also you as the creator, in addition to property rights, as well as moral rights. You deserve recognition first and foremost. By certifying, you raise further awareness of the importance of recognizing intellectual creators and protecting intellectual creations.

protection of intellectual creations:

Strengthen Your defenses against infringement and misuse, protecting Your creative assets. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out various registration procedures, similar to how a car must be registered and renewed regularly. Don’t miss it.


Navigate complex IP landscapes with expert legal guidance and insights.


Showcase Your commitment to intellectual property (IP) rights and gain recognition among Your peers.

promotion and publicity:

Your work and intellectual creation, as well as Yourself, can become a brand. By encouraging creativity and innovation, and protecting intellectual property, we promote You and Your work, additionally creating and strengthening Your brand.

monetization of own intellectual rights through placement and licensing:

Many of You create works that You don’t even know are intellectual creations (for example, author’s works) and that can be monetized through various channels, platforms, etc. On the other hand, someone may already be using Your works without authorization and for free. Become aware of Yourself, Your quality and Your creations. Give importance to the works You create and start earning from them.

obtaining the necessary licenses and rights of use others intellectual creations:

If You use other people’s intellectual creations in Your work and activity, as a rule, you must have an appropriate license. It often happens that people are not even aware of someone’s intellectual property right, and that they need a license and approval from the creator. Stay up to date and get everything You need. Be sure.


Engage with intellectual property (IP) owners from diverse countries, expanding Your international network. Join our global community of intellectual property owners, creators, inventors, authors, experts and lawyers. Connect, collaborate, and expand Your horizons. Exchange influences.

the opportunity to be seen by some of our honorary members, and other individuals and interest groups with whom the association cooperates:

Our association has well-known and recognized individuals and corporations as honorary members. Be noticed by the greats, this is Your chance for great success.

participation in organized events:

We organize various events, or participate as support in organizing events. As our member, You will be the first to receive an invitation to participate in the event, not only passively, but also actively, for example as a performer.

education in the field of intellectual property, promotion and brand building (webinars, ebooks, meetings, conferences, consultations...):

Participate in seminars, webinars, and conferences to deepen your understanding of intellectual property. Stay ahead with the latest intellectual property (IP) trends, regulations, and best practices. Our resources empower you to make informed decisions. Access a treasure trove of guides, tools, and materials for effective IP management and enforcement.


Shape policies and standards that resonate on a global scale, influencing the future of intellectual property (IP) protection. Champion the cause of intellectual property rights on a global scale. Your support strengthens the protection of creators worldwide. Political and legislative bodies, governmental and non-governmental organizations are just examples of some of the types of organizations that you can lobby through our association for the improvement of awareness and protection of intellectual property. We also spread influence with our campaigns.

GLOBAL REACH in all of the above:

We have no space limitation. We spread the influence and recognition of You and Your works, without borders, through all of the above. The worst thing is to limit yourself. Be unlimited. Be worldly.


In a click, You become part of a global community of intellectual creators of all kinds, and You realize many benefits


In agreements on use (license) protected by copyright/related works and industrial property rights, an arbitration clause is entered in accordance with the UNITED NATIONS – WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION Arbitration Rules – WIPO Arbitration Rules, at the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center in Geneva, Switzerland, for ON-LINE efficient and economical quick resolution of disputes in a few months. The above includes all possible disputes from contracts on intellectual property rights, including contractual damages, as well as potential disputes against the Association. See Terms of Use.

For possible non-contractual disputes, including non-contractual damages committed by third parties, the World Association Of Intellectual Owners tries to find appropriate legal assistance in the individual countries where the damage was done, (considering that jurisdiction is usually determined individually for each place where the violation occurred / damage caused).

By empowering, strengthening and protecting intellectual property, human civilization also strengthens and advances!

Protect Your Intellectual Property

Receive informations in the field of intellectual property

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